
Rajasekar N, Aguilar-Champeau M, Hartmann D. Diversity Discourse as Racialized and Double-edged: Findings from a National Survey. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. February 2022. doi:10.1177/23326492221078303

Conference Presentations

October 2018: Panelist: Ethics and Access. “Run stop fierce: race in the fighting game community”… Dynamics and Challenges to the Development of eSports conference in Colorado Springs, CO.

March 2018: “The dimensions of diversity”… Midwest Sociological Society conference in Minneapolis, MN.

March 2017: “How Do Americans Define Diversity? Findings from a New National Survey”... Midwest Sociological Society conference in Milwaukee, WI.

March 2013: “Battle for a Better Team: Conflict and Conflict Resolution in College Classroom Teams.”… Midwest Sociological Society conference in Chicago, IL

Research Projects

Dissertation: Race, Urbanity, and the Fighting Game Community

06-2014 through present

Encompassing qualitative and quantitative methodology, this project is an attempt to understand the fighting game community through the lens of the city. This means understanding the dynamics of urban form as well as the community itself. To that end, I’ve utilized everything from ethnography, to interviews, to content analysis and historical digital archives to put together a portrait of a community I see a great potential for. Below are the slides for my presentation at the Climb to Glory conference.

Research Presentation: Fighting Games

Diversity discourse as racialized and double-edged

06-14 through 02-22

A multi-year project that went through many iterations before settling on a critical look at the diversity term using nationally representative survey data (collected through the American Mosaic Project at the University of Minnesota). Below are slides from a 2017 version of the paper presented at MSS 2017.

Co-authors on the published piece: Neeraj Rajasekar and Douglas Hartmann.

AguilarChampeau, dIVERSITYPESENTATion

Racial discrimination in the labor market

05-2013 through 06-2014

This project aimed to show how racial discrimination works in the labor market through a thorough audit study of employment practices by employers around the country. The study design did this by first designating four groups of names separated by how racialized they were (as decided by a survey). Once the names were chosen, they were randomly assigned to resumes and sent out to employers. The design allowed us to see which names received the most callbacks all else being equal which, in theory, is evidence of direct racial discrimination (whether latent or explicit).

Lead investigator: Ted Thornhill

Research Presentation: Audit study

Different but safe: An ethnography of college music fandom

09-2014 through 12-2014

This project as an ethnographic and interview-based paper (and eventual presentation) aiming to understand how college students make sense of their music tastes in relation to their peers. Additionally, we wanted to see how students engage with their music tastes, how they develop their music preferences, and how their talk differs by social categories including race and gender.

Co-investigator: Horacio Lopez

Battle for a better team: conflict and conflict resolution in college classroom teams

09-2012 through 03-2013

Full research project with a presentation at the Midwest Sociological Society after completion, this project focused on using data from the General Social Survey to understand how groups and group members deal with conflict in school projects.